The Titan

Your right hand man

When you beat the 3 "quests" at the start of the game, you get to pick your titan. There are 3 kinds of titans to pick. Likewise, there are 3 basic types of titans: the cats(and Wolf) The apes and everything else(we will call them barnyard animals) there are also others (like ogre)

The cats are my favorte type of titan. They are the best fighters and are prty fast. Most of them are dumb though The Wolf is counted as a cat

The Tiger are the starting cat. They can beat up the other starting titans but are stupid as nails. Hamsters overall ranking... 2.0 out of 5

The Lion is the best titan. It is above average in smarts and can beat up ANYTHING You get it on land 5. It is the best titan. Hamsters Overall Rank...5.0

The Wolf is like a wannabe lion. It has good Smarts and is good fighter. Sadly he is not as good as the lion. You first see the wolf in land 2 but you get him in land 4. You must get the patch though for it to work. Hamsters overall ranking... 4.0

The Lepored is very fast. It is not as good of a fighter as the lion but faster. I have no exp with them. Hamsters overall Ranking... 3.9

This ends my cat talk read the others coming soon. By hamster Huey

The Apes are the smartest type of titan. There traits are:Smart,Average Speed and ok fighters.

The Ape is the apes starting titan. It is very smart, in fact, the smartest in the game, making it very popular. It can grow very fast, and can run 2. Hamsters Overall Ranking... 3.0

The Gorilia is not a normal ape. It is not smart but kicks prty good booty for an ape. It is not as good as the lion, making it unpopular. Hamsters Overall Ranking... 2.8

Barnyard Animals
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Feedinig your creature what you want it to eat and then petting it will teach it to eat that more often. After doing that fo a while, your creature will eat that on its own whenever it is hungry. This works for all creatures. To get your creature to not do something, when it does that, slap it.

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